Category Archives: News
Hydra, 14 September 2013: UGS in the 5th Hydra Shipping Conference

Τhe 5th Hydra Shipping Conference, took place in Hydra on Saturday, September 14th 2013. This Conference is a meeting point of leading Greek ship owners, distinguished experts from the international shipping world, academics as well as historical Hydriot shipping families. This year the Conference focused on key issues of Maritime Greece in the context of the privatization era and China-Greece cooperation. Keynote speaker was Mr. Panagiotis Mihalos, Secretary General for International Economic Relations & Development Cooperation, Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the program also included distinguished participants and keynote speakers from the Maritime Community, Commerce and Governmental Pillars. United Guards Services Ltd was proud to be Great Sponsor of the event and had the opportunity to present the security … Continue reading
Piraeus, July 2013: UGS enhanced MARSEC Operational Refreshment Courses

Training and in fact continuous training is paramount for United Guards Services Ltd. There is a requirement to ensure that all our Security Operators receive at least one semi – annual update training on specific qualifications and operational procedures. This also provides an opportunity to allow them to be updated on other tactical areas, such as pirates modus operandi and latest lessons learned – as well as those expected to in the near future – and ensures a greater level of conformity, commonality and operational understanding across all our highly qualified operators, Leaders and Members. UGS will always act as deemed necessary to keep its consultants ahead of what is happening within the operational area, so they remain competent for … Continue reading
Albedo Families ask Somali Families for help to release their loved ones

Indian, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka families sent out a joint message to the Somali people living worldwide who can have influence on their clans back home that are holding their loved ones from the MV Albedo which sank last Saturday evening (6th July). The information released by the Secretariat for Regional Maritime Security, Somali Contact Group on Counter Piracy and Maritime Security (Kampala Process) today is that at the moment 11 crew are on board the NAHAM 3 (a boat that was beside the Albedo when it sank), and 4 crew members are missing. Most reports point that the 4 missing crew members are from Sri Lanka. Reports on the missing crew have been many, from the composition of the … Continue reading
TIMB Piracy Report highlights violence in West Africa

Somali piracy has fallen to its lowest levels since 2006, focusing attention on violent piracy and armed robbery off the coast of West Africa,Q2 2013 picture the International Chamber Commerce (ICC) International Maritime Bureau (IMB)’s global piracy report revealed today. Worldwide, the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre (PRC) recorded 138 piracy incidents in the first six months of 2013, compared with 177 incidents for the corresponding period in 2012. Seven hijackings have been recorded this year compared with 20 in the first half of 2012. The number of sailors taken hostage also fell dramatically; down to 127 this year from 334 in the first six months of 2012. In the Gulf of Guinea, in addition to a rise in piracy and … Continue reading
Three Somalis were convicted on Monday July 8 of piracy, kidnapping and murder in the 2011 shooting deaths of four Americans sailing in the Indian Ocean off of Oman and could face the death penalty

The three men – and eleven others who previously pleaded guilty – boarded the Americans’ yacht armed with assault rifles and planned to sail it to Somalia and hold the Americans for ransom. Instead, the hostages were killed by the pirates as they were being trailed by U.S. military forces. A federal jury, which has been hearing the case since early June in U.S. District Court in Norfolk, found Ahmed Muse Salad, Abukar Osman Beyle and Shani Nurani Shiekh Abrar guilty on all 26 counts against them, according to court records. The jury will be hearing more evidence during the sentencing phase of the trial later this month. Scott and Jean Adam, retirees from Marina del Rey, California, and their … Continue reading